
We welcome you to WPSCA and realize everyone will be able to contribute differently throughout various stages of their lives. We encourage you to become involved and help support our efforts in any of the following ways:

  • Volunteer your time by attending a monthly meeting or volunteering at an upcoming event
  • Volunteer your talents by offering up your professional services or personal skills for ongoing projects, events, and activities
  • Volunteer your resources by sponsoring an event, home hosting an international visitor, utilizing your connections to secure an event location or program meeting, providing various materials needed for activities, or recruiting your friends, family and colleagues to come join our group

WPSCA will generally meet on the fourth Wednesday of every other month, with networking at 5:00 p.m. and the meeting from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.  Our home location is at The Hickory Hub Coworking Facility at 375 Main Avenue NE, Hickory, NC  28601.  But whenever possible, we move our meetings throughout our area to rotate among members and businesses residing within the Western Piedmont four-county region of Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba counties.

There are also virtual meeting exchanges with Altenburger Land throughout the year as well, typically on the alternate month from our regular meeting.

EMail us To be added to our contact list – to be notified of each meeting or event

Tracey Trimble, Chairperson ttrimble@nullhickoryfurniture.com | 704-502-5932

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